Thursday, June 23, 2011

Puppy Number Five Has a Good Day! (finally!)

WE HAVE PUPPY PLAY! Today was the first day that Puppy Five started to come around. He was hungry when he woke up, hungry enough to eat some dry dog kibbles. Then he ate some canned Newman's Organic dog food. Then he ate the cat's dry food. And it all stayed down!! And then on our morning walk we had piles instead of puddles. (Oh thank goodness!)
But the best news is that now he's getting some nutrition, he's got some energy and is a little less fragile, and he wants to play! I was so sad because he didn't really seem to know what toys are, or how to play with Teddy Bear, but it seems he was just recuperating from the whole ordeal of being stray, and being in a kill-shelter, and being transported, and moving into a new environment. Can you blame the poor little thing?
Now we'll see how his little personality develops, now that he's a in a safe place.

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